Monday 19 January 2015

To Be Honest...Pretty Honest

You're probably fed up of hearing about this little gem, it's been pretty much everywhere. And if this is the first time you've seen 'Pretty Honest' then where have you been?

Sali Hughes' book came out last Septemeber and has had enormous amounts of attention ever since, and quite rightly so. Described as 'the straight-talking beauty companion', I can confirm that this book cuts out all the waffle, contains zero BS and is the most useful book I think I've ever read on beauty. It is the book equivalent of the friend that you know will tell you whether you look like a hippo or not in the dress you've had your eye on, and will tell you when you look fierce for a night out. It's a pretty good friend.

This was one item on my Christmas list that I'd have been upset to not find under the tree from Santa. But Santa did good! Thanks Mum.

It's such an easy read, super interesting and it is no word of a lie that you learn something new or find a new source of inspiration with each paragraph. I've decided to take everything that Sali Hughes says as gospel from now on.

Things Pretty Honest set straight for me...

1) I now use a hot cloth to remove my cleanser every time I use it. It has completely changed the way I cleanse my face. Altogether my skincare routine was far from a bad one but there was still room for improvement. With the amount of make-up that I wear (I literally wear it all day, everyday) cleaning my face should definitely be a more thorough affair. But now with my hot cloth in tow, I noticed a difference in my skin within days. 

2) I am now on the hunt for a liquid exfoliant containing BHAs to finally conquer my enormous pores. I've been looking for an alternative to scrubbing my face into oblivion for a while and until now I've not been quite sure whether to try a liquid exfoliant and where to find one that works. (And Sali very kindly does point you in the right direction).

3) You don't have to spend money on a toner if you don't want to. Thank you! Finally! I have used toner since I was 13 and I honestly don't see what it does. But Sali puts it quite nicely: 'optional, but wholly unnecessary'. I'll be saving my pennies then. 

4) I now fully understand how and why I need to take extra care of my skin when using Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). Definitely not a bad thing to know and it all completely makes sense and seems blatantly obvious now but I had never thought about it before.

5) I used to always feel a little overdressed when I wore red lipstick away from special occasions. But Sali actively encourages wearing a statement lip to make you feel like the more motivated, more lively, energy filled you and to give you a boost when you're feeling less than glamorous. 

6) And my favourite part is that Pretty Honest reminds you that there's nothing wrong with having a love of and wearing cosmetics and beauty products for your own sake and not for the benefit of anyone else. 

Have you read Pretty Honest? What stood out for you? 

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