Thursday, 26 March 2015

Tried and Tested- Homemade Easter Rocky Road

I freaking love rocky road- like really really love rocky road! I always knew it was super easy to make at home, but I'd never gotten round to try to make it, and then I saw a picture of rocky road made without cherries, but with mini eggs instead! And that was it. It just had to be done. 

I employed the help of my gorgeous friend Holly, because we're both as barmy for Rocky Road as each other! So together we went to tesco, bought the ingredients for our Wednesday treat and got started! 

We win at life right now! 

Look at that!! 

Here's how to make it.
You'll need :

-750g Milk Chocolate
-100g Mini Marshmallows
-400g Digestive Biscuits
-3 packs Mini Eggs (we actually used the Smarites Eggs, but you could use whatever you fancy)

1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water. This melts the chocolate gradually. (I guess you could probably do this in the microwave, but we love being awkward)

2. Break the digestive biscuits into small pieces (we did this in a bag with a rolling pin). Remember you're trying to break the biscuits into pieces and not completely into crumbs, or that sort of defeats the object. 

3. Mix the marshmallows and Eggs into the biscuits in a large bowl.

Hello blurry hand! 

4. When the chocolate is completely melted, add it into the bowl of dry ingredients and mix together until all of the biscuit is covered with chocolate.

5. Spoon mixture into a tray of some sort, we used a flan tin and a casserole dish, both lined with baking parchment. (We are obviously the Queens of improvisation) 

6. Put your trays into the fridge to set! 

And then...ta da! After an hour or two the whole thing will be set and ready to eat! 

TOP TIP: Do NOT eat this straight out of the fridge because the whole thing becomes so hard that you could probably break your teeth on it. However when left to come back to room temperature then it's perfectly enjoyable to take a bite into.

Hope you enjoy this little treat, me and Holly certainly did. In fact we filled in the hour of waiting for the rocky road to set with jumping around in the conservatory to Busted! So all in all, definitely a productive day! 

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