Friday, 27 March 2015

Tea and Crumpets at Tsp

You know when your friends show you somewhere that they've discovered and you know that it's just going to become one of your favourite places? This is exactly what has happened!

Yesterday I went to 'tsp', a small coffee/tea shop cafĂ© in Hanley City Centre and it's quite possibly the cutest most chilled out places I've been for tea in the local area. Way to go tsp! 

It's only a tiny place, but it's jam packed with life. The staff were so lovely, friendly, helpful and chatty (and we had a bit of a boogie with them before we left- far too much energy for a Thursday afternoon)!

Best part is...THEY HAVE TEAPIGS!! Nothing beats that, hands down! And CRUMPETS!? And oh my life, the brownies! Everything about it is just so cute, milk served in milk bottles, tulips on the tables and all of the furniture feels like something you remember from childhood: stools, wooden chairs and cute little tables. 

I started following tsp on Facebook after my visit yesterday (you should go and do that too) and I found out that they actually do 'suspended' coffees. This is where you pay for a drink so that someone in need of one can come in later and have one for free. I love this idea, and as someone who works in a soup kitchen, I know how much that can be apreciated! 

Yesterday I didn't even know this place existed and now I have a feeling that it'll be my go-to coffee (well tea) and cake fix! In fact, I had such a lovely time, I went back there today (so cringey going back somewhere two days in a row, but I don't care) and had a really chilled tea meeting with some friends. They're going to be seeing a lot more of me! If you're in Stoke-on-Trent, then go and check it out! 

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