Wednesday, 11 March 2015

How to Sparkle Brighter- Thursday Inspirations

Sometimes life sucks balls and we all feel a bit low. Sometimes we all need a bit of a pick me up to get us through the day (chocolate is always a good bet). And sometimes we read something that inspires us to be better than we are right now. If you're in need of a bit of a boost then feel free to share in my favourite inspirational quotes of the moment, I know they've been helping me through a time of feeling lost, feeling defeated and constantly comparing my own achievements to those of others and thinking that I'll never manage anything as amazing as that. But if you're thinking like me, then you're wrong, so 'buck up and be a rabbit' (my mum says that, force of habit).

-Live Your Everyday Extraordinary
Let's start with this one...I first read this and it imeadiatley struck a chord. If I live an extraordinary life through the small everyday things that I do then who cares if I don't earn millions of pounds, don't find a cure for cancer or don't come in the top 100 at the London Marathon (that gets funnier the more you think about it). I may not be able to boast a ground breaking discovery or wealth beyond compare, but there's more to being extraordinary, and eventually all of these little efforts add up and boom- you have slowly started to lead that extraordinary life that you wanted to. (Or at least that's the plan). What I'm trying to saying, not very eloquently, is that living an extraordinary life is less to do with superficial or materialistic gain, and more to do with constantly achieving small personal goals, constantly growing and constantly giving to others that aren't in the same position as yourself. 

-Don't Be Afraid to Sparkle Brighter
This is an enormous one. I know for one that I am my own worst enemy, and I'm guessing that I'm not the only person. Sabotaging your own happiness and your own ambitions...Guilty as charged? Don't be afraid to do all of those things that you aim to and dream to do, don't let yourself be put off by fear of failure or by fear of pushing others away, if they are genuine then they will completely support you in trying to follow your ambitions and push yourself to be even more fabulous! 

-Have Big Dreams, You Will Grow into Them
A friend once told me: 'if you're dreams don't scare you, then they're not big enough' but I think I prefer this snippet better. It's pretty much the same thing, it's all about having the courage to dream big and aim for the stars. Like they say, if you don't aim high then you'll never push yourself to achieve anything. So here we are, have a dream and let yourself fill those enormous boots, because if we didn't dream big then we'd never give ourselves the opportunity to achieve big. 

-Life Doesn't Have to be Perfect to be Beautiful... 
And lastly, this one is so important. I think of this one when I'm having a crap day, when my hair looks like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, I have no money until payday, my skin looks terrible, I'm not enjoying college, I feel left behind etc...the list goes on. But it's those times that I have to remember that even when I'm worrying about all of these small trivial things, life is still good and I have to slap myself around the face and remember all of the beautiful bits in life. 

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