Saturday, 16 January 2016

2016 To Do List

I'm not going to lie, I'm completely done with all of this 'new year, new me' new year resolutions that I'll probably abandon after about 3 weeks of being poor and chubby in January. So I haven't made any of those kind of promises to myself; partly because I know that they'll only leave me feeling inadequate, like a failure and crying about my life into a large cut prices white chocolate snowman.

So instead, I've decided to set myself the kind of goals that I'll actually want to complete. Nice goals. Maybe, for some, they aren't really achievements or anything of note- that's probably the beauty of them. I don't want to set myself goals for the sake of goals, so I've created a mini 2016 bucket list.

After a chat with my fabulous friend Sarah about setting myself long term and short term goals so that I don't feel so snowed under, I had a real kick of motivation. It led me to really thinking about what I want to get from this year. And hopefully these little items on my 'to do list' will help me feel a little more human. 

I'm going to do 2016 right, and I'm going to do it my own way. 

-Go for afternoon tea somewhere I've never been before. 

-Book into a hotel and not a Travelodge when I stay overnight somewhere. 

-Read a book that's been recommended by a friend.

-Visit Lush Oxford Street.

-Re-find the foreign universe that is 'being under 9 stone'.

-Organise more charity fundraising events this year.

-Be more creative.

-Spend more time with friends.

-Upload blog posts at least twice per week.

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