Monday, 18 January 2016

Struggles for Girls with Small Feet

I was reading a blog post earlier about the struggles that girls with big feet go through regularly, from Career Girl Daily, you can read it here. And although I couldn't relate to ANYTHING in it, it did make me think about a hell of a lot of small feet problems that I go through. My feet measure in at a meagre 2, I usually wear a size 3 though packed with insoles because have you tried to find size 2 shoes?! Yep, this girl's tootsies are tiny. 
Like, really. Sometimes I even buy children's shoes. Note: a massive perk of small feet. In fact I once wanted a pair of the knitted boots that were around a few years ago, I could find a pair in my size in the adult section, however I did find a cute black pair in the children's section. Complete with bright pink buttons. Winning.  
But sometimes having small feet is just a bit of a pain in the arse. So here's my small feet inspired response:
1. Small feet= small heels.
I can't wear 6 inch killer heels, quite simply because my feet are barely 6 inches long. This makes finding a good pair of heels really difficult, I have to sort of dance in the realms of heels looking a bit mumsy, unless I opt for an enormous platform. 
2. Shoes are always that bit too big. 
If I could be sponsored in life by any single company, it would be someone who makes insoles for shoes. Although, I'm not going to lie, I'm often beyond help from insoles. And let's face it tackling shoes that are obviously too big for you just makes you look a bit of a mess. I hold my hands up! Yes, that is me. Especially at 3am after a night out. "I'm not really drunk, my shoes just don't fit properly"
3. There's never anything in the sale. 
If I had a pound for every time I heard someone say 'It must be great to have small feet, there must be loads in the sale' I could actually quit my job, enrol in a shoe making course and make shoes to stick up the arses of everyone who has ever said this to me. It's a complete myth! There's barely anything left in the sale for size 2 and 3, and if there is then it's because they are freaking ugly and no one wants them.
4. Bowling.
I don't mind going bowling. In fact, bowling is great. However...when you hand in your shoes and get handed back a pair of bowling shoes that fasten with velcro instead of laces, it sort of kills off a bit of the charm. I am legit not trusted with lace up shoes because my shoe size dictates that I probably should be about 8 years old. 
5. The 'If your feet were any smaller you'd fall over' joke.
Oh F*** off.
I hope this was a little bit of a lighthearted comedic response, having little feet is great sometimes, however it can be the most frustrating thing. What are your #smallfeetproblems?

Saturday, 16 January 2016

2016 To Do List

I'm not going to lie, I'm completely done with all of this 'new year, new me' new year resolutions that I'll probably abandon after about 3 weeks of being poor and chubby in January. So I haven't made any of those kind of promises to myself; partly because I know that they'll only leave me feeling inadequate, like a failure and crying about my life into a large cut prices white chocolate snowman.

So instead, I've decided to set myself the kind of goals that I'll actually want to complete. Nice goals. Maybe, for some, they aren't really achievements or anything of note- that's probably the beauty of them. I don't want to set myself goals for the sake of goals, so I've created a mini 2016 bucket list.

After a chat with my fabulous friend Sarah about setting myself long term and short term goals so that I don't feel so snowed under, I had a real kick of motivation. It led me to really thinking about what I want to get from this year. And hopefully these little items on my 'to do list' will help me feel a little more human. 

I'm going to do 2016 right, and I'm going to do it my own way. 

-Go for afternoon tea somewhere I've never been before. 

-Book into a hotel and not a Travelodge when I stay overnight somewhere. 

-Read a book that's been recommended by a friend.

-Visit Lush Oxford Street.

-Re-find the foreign universe that is 'being under 9 stone'.

-Organise more charity fundraising events this year.

-Be more creative.

-Spend more time with friends.

-Upload blog posts at least twice per week.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

On Feeling Content but Not Settled

Content. I think that's a pretty good word. And I think it's a word that sums me up right now. 

Saturday night: had tea with my significant other (fair enough it was a McDonald's on a carpark, the height of romance, but lovely none the less); had a bath, finishing off the last of my stash of Lush Oxford Street Exclusives; did a quick tidy up; lit a candle (currently burning a lavender Yankee Candle, which is freaking beautiful and I usually bloody hate lavender) and now I'm sat emptying my head into this post whilst making my way through a bottle of Asti. It might not be the most exciting of Saturday nights, but it's not bad. 

In fact, I was watching some old videos from one of my all time favourite bloggers, Hannah Gale (damn, that girl hits the nail on the head every time), and one of her videos from about 2 months ago really struck a chord with me. She was talking about those instagram-able quotes that you can get on notebooks and t-shirts and all sorts of other Pinterest worthy pieces. She said 'My life has been incredible, if only I'd noticed it sooner' and it couldn't be more true. My life may be far from where I'd hoped it might be, but it sure as hell ain't bad. 

Am I 100% happy with my life? No, I'm not, but I'm trying to do everything I can do to get it even that little bit closer. Have I reached a state of career woman bliss? Nope, far from it actually, but I'm moving forward and taking control of my own path so that I can get to where I want to get to. Have one's significant other and I become '#relationshipgoals'? Probably not, and I'd love for us to really move forward with where our relationship is, but for now it's lovely- I've met someone that I adore, who's not an absolute bellend and who cares for me back. For now, that's good enough for me. Am I a stone heavier than I should be and about two stone heavier than I'd like to be? Sure as hell I am, but what can I say? Carrot cake is my friend and I'm not a quitter. 

I have some amazing friends, an amazing family, a roof over my head, a fantastic job, alcohol in a really nice glass, I saw the most awe inspiring rainbow ever yesterday and slowly but surely I'm feeling just that little bit more adult.

More responsible. More empowered. More accountable. More inspired. 

Being content is a good thing, it means that things are good, you'd be happy if they stayed the same. But the important thing here is that I'm by no means settled, I want to achieve big things, go to places I've never been to before, reach milestones with people that I didn't think I could reach (filthy minds out of the gutter), I do not intend to sit here and let life pass me by. 

No doubt this year is going to through some real shit at me. But I'm counting on this year being the year that things turn around for this college dropout and I'm ready to do anything to make sure that 2016 is a year for big things.

Be content with life because life is good. But never settle- you might just surprise yourself.

Alls I can say now is: Come at me 2016. We got this.