No one likes an early start. I'm not just talking waking up at 6:30 or getting up at stupid o'clock to go on holiday- they don't count. I'm talking about those mornings, where, for whatever reason, you have to be up and out of the house really early. For me this was because of work. So here's a few tips on how to rise early and not sleep through your alarm and nearly miss your 5:45am pickup (my bad)...
1. Make your room as dark as possible. As I don't have blackout curtains in my bedroom, I have a real problem with making my room dark! To help with this I draped towels over my curtains to block out the light, and let me get to sleep regardless of how bright it still was outside...damn you summer evenings!
2. Stick to your normal routine. I found that, even though I was not doing something I would routinely do, sticking to my normal routine made settling early feel super natural. Even little things such as putting my lamp on out of habit rather than necessity because it creates the same atmosphere as I would normally have to go to sleep.
3. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath. I love a good bath! But the act of cooling down after having a bath can actually make you feel really sleep and help you to completely drop off. You might even want to drop in a cute little bath bomb or moisturising bath melt or creamer to make your chill session even more so.
4. Get everything ready for the next day in the evening. A lesson I learned by not doing it...If you pack your bags and layout your clothes ready for the next day before you go to bed, it helps to take some stress off you in having to worry about whether you have gotten everything. This also helps you just rise in the morning and not have to stress or run around like a headless chicken trying to find anything. I missed a trick with this one, 5:45 pickup and staying in London that night, I had planned to get all of my bags together in the morning, however slept through my alarm until 5:47, only to find that my lift was already outside. It's fair to say that I just grabbed anything I could reach, threw some clothes on and got ready in the car...nothing like learning from experience.
5. Get some lavender on the go! I'm not a lavender fan, most of the time it makes me feel a bit sick, however I found that using lavender based sleep products can actually help. I've been using the This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray, which has quite a powdery lavender scent (so took me a while to get used to) by just lightily spraying it onto my pillow and cushions. My favourite, however, is the Thisworks Deep Sleep Stress Less temple balm, which is a balm to pop into your pulse points containing lavender and eucalyptus, and I think that this product is single handedly the most relaxing little balm ever.
I know it's something different, but I hope you enjoy this post, and I wish you the best of luck with your early starts.
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