LOVE- Being sat playing with your own hair, running it through your fingers, twisting it round and doing some boredom solving braiding. This also counts for getting an elected person (e.g. your boyfriend or bestie) to mess with your hair for you, because you're a lady of leisure and doing it yourself is just too much exertion.
HATE- Lugs (or knots, because as I recently found out, not everyone use that word). How? Just how? I brushed you this morning and you already look and feel like a bird's nest.
LOVE- Freshly washed hair. Soft, nourished and looking on point. End of story.
HATE- It either dries leaving you look like a poodle or it sits there flat and lifeless- there is no in between. I am a flat and lifeless kind of gal and straighteners are my sworn enemy.
LOVE- Oh the hair products! So dreamy. You make my life a happy one and my barnet semi-respectable.
HATE- Oh the hair products? An addiction that is great for my hair but not so great for my bank balance.
LOVE- When it's right, it's just so right.
HATE- When it's wrong then it's just so wrong and going to insist on being matted mess for the rest of the day and do the exact opposite of what you want.
LOVE- There are so many hairstyling possibilities. Variety is of course the spice of life!
HATE- Going to the hairdressers is one scary appointment, will I leave looking fabulous or will chopping that 1 inch of hair off leave me feeling scalped...hmm?
LOVE- When you totally notice the difference after being at the hairdressers, even though your boyfriend probably won't and will question how you can justify paying upwards of £30 on the exact same me, £30 was a bargain for this warm glowing feeling!
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