Sunday, 18 May 2014

Once You Go Ginger, There’s No Going Back

It was only a few days ago that I realised just how many different colours my hair has been. Compared to many people it might not seem that much, but I had just never realised before. Naturally my hair is a mousey dirty blonde colour, but I’ve been red, purple, dark brown, light brown, red again, lighter red and then ginger. And when I say ginger, I mean full on ‘you need sunglasses carrot top’ ginger.
At the time it was a great idea, it was different and a bit quirky and I’m not going to lie I really liked it. I’d always wanted hair like Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge, and I was finally getting close to that goal. It didn’t take long before I got really bored of it though.  At the end of the day, you can’t be a wallflower when you’ve got incredibly bright hair. So what do you do? Dye your hair a different colour of course! But, would my hair change...nope.
I’ve dyed it, let it fade, let it grow out (my roots grew out so much it looked like a dip dye gone wrong), dyed it again and all to no prevail. I’m now attempting to explore the theory ‘Blondes have more fun’, except whenever I bump into someone who hasn’t seen me post-ginger, the response I get is ‘Strawberry blonde really suits you’. But I don’t want to be ‘strawberry blonde’; I want to be ‘blonde bombshell’!
It seems that my ginger nut tendencies just won’t go away, I’ve dyed my hair three times, every time blonder and blonder and all I seem to achieve is a different shade of ‘strawberry blonde’. I have found some solace in the Daddy O shampoo from Lush, which admittedly makes me look less brassy (as you can see in the picture below) but there’s still red creeping through. I’m at a loss for what to do without bleaching my hair, which would quite frankly probably kill it. Shall I be stuck with my orange whim forever?
I tell you, the trials and tribulations of hair colour...

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