Truth of the matter is that I've had 430 days to try to get my head around what on Earth is going on with my life. I was having a really shit time, like 'shake up your entire world and make you question who you are' type shitty time. The type of time where one minute you want to throw yourself off a bridge, one minute you're high as a kite and, in the next minute, you're eating your entire body weight in pasta. It was far from fun.
But I didn't choose the bridge option, I sometimes choose the pasta option and I frequently am high as a kite. It's taken me numerous courses of antidepressants and counselling to get me here, but I'm kind of functioning properly. Except that time when I spent £70 on bowls from Tesco...but that's a story for another time...
In the last 430 days, I have:
-Seriously neglected my blog (my bad)
-Started up my own business
-Started working regularly for three other companies
-Gained myself a teaching qualification
-Visited Starbucks 9 million times
-Visited Starbucks 9 million times
-Gotten myself in a relationship with the most amazing (yet infuriating) person I have ever met
-Made new friends
-Bought 23 new pairs of shoes
-Bought 23 new pairs of shoes
-Said goodbye to people that I never thought I would do
-Read so many self help books that I should be able to self diagnose and treat myself for any mental health concerns with the power of positive reinforcement, yoga and colouring in a mindfulness colouring book full of cats
-Finally, started to figure out what I find important in life
So all in all, this little post is just a quick one to reintroduce myself to you guys.
Hi, my name is Sian, and I've been really shit at keeping my blog up to date...
-Finally, started to figure out what I find important in life
So all in all, this little post is just a quick one to reintroduce myself to you guys.
Hi, my name is Sian, and I've been really shit at keeping my blog up to date...
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