Friday, 5 February 2016

A Bottle of Red later...

It's 23:23 (way hey) on a Friday night and I'm sat alone on my bed with all of my clothes on and a full face of make up; having eaten my way through a whole Terry's Chocolate Orange (not Terry's, definitely mine) and having knocked back a whole bottle of Summer Red by my lonesome. In life, it's times like these that make you really put your life into perspective. I have a good life, I have no reason to cry into a teal coloured scatter cushion and no real reason to whinge about it all over Facebook and yet I still feel like I'm nearing Britney 2007. Help me.

It's times like these in life, when comparing oneself to everyone around you feels inevitable and will only achieve one thing. To make you feel like shit. A steaming pile of shit. And Sianey doesn't like feeling like shit. No one bit. Urghh.

Hitting the midpoint between being a teenager and being a fully fledged self sufficient adult really sucks. I feel so far away from being independent and even further away from doing all of the 'grown up'  things I want to moving in with someone I love, marriage, children, etc...

It wasn't long ago that I was typing out a little post about life not being perfect but that being okay, and now...well, I'm feeling a little different.

I go to work. I have a great job. I come home from work and wait to go back to work again. I literally don't know what to do with myself, except read up material on how to be better at my job- obviously not a bad thing, but also it feels a little repetitive.

Weight and image, don't even get me onto those! I feel like I'm getting bigger and bigger and feeling less confident in the way I look. With make up, freshly washed hair and a strong contour, I'm still only a shaky 4 out of 10.

Yesterday I realised that I have no point set in time to look forward to, no specific date. Nothing planned at the weekend. No holiday. No project with an end date to look forward to.  I'm seriously missing out on having an Emerald City at the end of my not-so yellow brick road. And this Dorothy is in need of some ruby slippers until she gets her mojo back.

Being stuck in a rut is a rubbish place to be. If you're finding yourself in that sort of a dwelling...I feel ya, you're not alone on that one. But hang on in there baby, because we're going to be fine!

To end this point on a high (well...sort of), I feel like I need to right something profound and inspirational, however I'm lacking a little.

2007 was not a good year, but that's okay, it's 2016 and we can freaking do this. 

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