Sunday, 4 October 2015

September through Instagram

September has been a quiet month on the old Instagram. I'm thinking however that since October is my 21st birthday, this may merely be the calm before the storm...bah 21?! Are you being serious?

1. Classy toilet mirror selfie right to love a Friday night out with your best friend! Honestly the best night I'd had in ages, and to think that I didn't want to go out. We braved the cold and it totes paid off! 

2. £1.50 bear slippers! Oh Primark, you are good to me. I've worn them around the house, I've worn them driving, I've worn them at work and I'm pretty sure that I went to tesco in them too...

3. Since I had tomatoes on toast with my boss one day at work, I literally can't get enough of them! Brown toast, fresh tomato and black pepper. Winning. And, btw, I have zero shame when it comes to instagraming food. No shame.

4. Me and my good friend, Andy, at a formal 21st birthday party. It was a gorgeous night and the party was totally Pinterest worthy! Hog roast, pick and mix, fairy lights, prosecco, live music and formal wear. Happy birthday Hope! 

It's only been a short one, but I didn't want to miss a month! Fingers crossed that October will be utterly fabulous, because I desperately don't want to turn 21 and not have a good time doing so.

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