Tuesday, 6 January 2015

A Book to Kickstart Your 2015!

If you're anything like me you spent most of 2014 (if not much longer) feeling like you can't see the wood for the trees. You may have noticed that I haven't done a year summary or a 'New Year, New Me' type post, quite simply because I think that it would end up being an uninteresting, unhelpful pile of tripe. So I haven't done that.

However, I do want to let you know about a little book that I read just before Christmas. It's only a little one, I promise and took me about an hour to read- an hour well spent. 
I get very worried about making decisions. I'm not a very decisive person, even for things like choosing what to have for tea, I actually drive my boyfriend insane. I worry incase I make a bad decision, in case I take a risk that doesn't pay off and in case I make a change that just becomes a change too far. Because of this I have spent a long time doing what other people think I should do and not really making decisions for myself. 

If that sounds a bit like you (I feel so sorry for you), then you have to read 'Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite' by Paul Arden. It's a book about having the confidence to go against the grain and do things regardless of other people's opinions and thoughts. Obviously this doesn't stretch to things like...laws, but you the picture. And it's actually a really refreshing view on things!

This book has made me realise that having the courage to do what is right for yourself can only ever bring around good, despite the risks. If it doesn't pay off straight away then it may just pay off later down the line. I feel inspired and 2015 could just be a year to be reckoned with. 
This year is going to see a lot less of me settling for things that don't make me happy or help me to grow. Join me in taking charge of your own life.

Here's to a 2015 of grabbing life by the balls to get what you want from it. A 2015 of 'cans' and 'wills' instead of 'can'ts' and 'maybes'. And a whole year of 'bad decisions' that will make this a year to watch! 

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