Saturday, 22 November 2014

Current Best Friends

Wow. I have been...absolutely none existent over the past few weeks. I say it all of the time that I'm not going to take a break from blogging and then I go completely AWOL...I apologise.

Over the past few weeks though, I have had a couple of new friendships that have made me pretty happy, I'm not going to lie. Now I'm not talking human person to person friendships, I'm talking about my current relationships with inanimate objects, of course! So I guess this post takes a similar route as a monthly favourites post. Except this isn't monthly...I'll stop waffling and just get on with it.

•Cosy Bootie Slippers
I have waited and waited for autumn/winter to come along so I could live in a pair of these bad boys. I've been wandering round in a pair of ballet pump style slipper through the warmer months and I can honestly say that it's just not the same! I was so glad to get this cute pair for my birthday back in October, and they are so warm and comfy. 

•My Kindle
This is a really new one for me. I've never quite understood the hype on kindles or tablets or anything like that, but when my fella offered me his old kindle (he's just bought the brand new model) I said yes mostly out of curiosity. And it was definitely a good idea. I can put brand new books on it in a matter of minutes and then carry the equivalent of a library full round with me wherever I go without the use of a wheelbarrow. How did I ever get by without one before? I know this is going to make long train journeys so much easier to bare and will be fantastic to take on our holiday come summertime.

These are my favourite Christmas food. We always become the best of friends around this time of year, and although I have to say that it's always a very short friendship (they get eaten VERY quickly) it's forever going to be a lasting friendship. These little spicy chocolate covered gingerbread cakey things are easily the most festive thing you can put in your mouth (minds out of the gutter please). Delicious!

Probably the strangest thing I could ever talk about...Eggs. Yes, you heard it right, eggs. I'm obsessed, I've never been an egg person but at the moment I just can't get enough of them! And no, I'm not pregnant! I've been really enjoying an omelette a few times a week, as a quick breakfast or lunch and in a really short space of time, I've noticed a difference. For one, my nails are so much stronger than they've been in a long time and secondly, my hair just feels so much better, I don't know if maybe that's the protein or not, but whatever is going on, it's working...

•Christmas Cookie Yankee Candle
I'm no stranger to this one. I had some tea lights in this scent last year for Christmas from my boyfriend's parents and it was love at first sniff. You just can't beat the sweet smell that comes off this one. I had this little jar for my birthday and I've used it that much that it's already empty and won't light. Fingers crossed that someone will get me an even bigger jar for Christmas. 

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