Saturday, 11 October 2014

Things I've Learned on the Way to 20 (Part 2)

I learned more than 6 things, so I'm back with another 6. You thought that I had put that blog post to bed, and then I spring a second part on you. Pesky, I know.

7. ALWAYS remember to blow out candles before you go to bed.
Let's go back to the idea of being responsible. If you sometimes fall asleep with a candle still burning in your bedroom, you're definitely not ticking the responsible box. I've gotten better at this, and luckily nothing bad has come of forgetting but you just don't know if you're asleep. Lesson 7: Don't be a dingbat.

8. It is all about you. But it's not always about you.
It's totally time to look after number 1, you have to do what is best for you and you have to make time to do all of the things that you want to do. You matter. However, at the same time as this you have to consider other people's needs as well as your own. The world does not completely revolve around you, although that would be nice. I have a firm belief that it makes you a better person if you give a damn about other peoples' needs, not just your own. If you're acting like an idiot and it's disturbing other people getting what they need, then you guessed it- that makes you a complete idiot. I've tried desperately to consider how all of my actions affect other people around me, if I wouldn't like someone else doing it to me, then I don't do it to other people. Lesson 8: Don't tread on people to get your own way.

9. You can say NO.
Pretty self explanatory. I'm not going to elaborate too much on this one. But if you're not happy with something, say no. You are allowed. This is one that I am really really terrible at, I do not know how to say no. Lesson 9: Don't let people walk over you.

10. Don't listen to people who drag you down.
This is a recent one for me. I let people's opinions drag me down. I take everything to heart and it has to stop. So just recently I've been listening to what people say and taking it in but if it's something that I feel is unhelpful or discouraging then I just brush it aside. It's all made a big difference, now every 'knockback' doesn't knock me back, instead it spurs me forward as an incentive to work harder and prove that I can do whatever it is. Lesson 10: Step away from poisonous situations and don't let it knock you off balance.

11. Clean your god damn make-up brushes!
Think about it this way, you're applying make-up with utensils that are covered in dead skin cells, bacteria and excess sebum. Not nice. I've been trying to make cleaning my brushes a regular thing, not as regular as I like but I have been making the effort. Lesson 11: Show your make-up some love.

12. Don't blow all of your wages on payday.
Although I don't have mounds of bills to pay, don't have too many responsibilities when it comes to money. This is certainly a lesson for the future. Stop spending your all wages on payday. I fail at this, although I don't spend them straight away, I do end each month really watching what I spend, because I realise that funds are low. I'm definitely getting better at this, and if Christmas wasn't fast approaching then I think I would be pretty good at this actually. But especially at the moment, it seems like my money is already spent before I earn it. Lesson 12: Think about your pennies.

So there we are. A few golden nuggets for me on the way to the big but very daunting 2-0. Quick question: will it still be socially acceptable for me to legit order a happy meal in McDonalds, because I'm very worried about that one...

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