I am aware that I have been missing for just over a week and for this I apologise! However, I am back now so it's all okay.
The last week has been a majorly busy one, I'm not going to lie: I've been poorly and completely lost my voice, I've been working hard towards my end of year showcase at college (it's very exciting but very stressful), spending all of my money buying costumes and running my best friend around. But I think that the most exciting is the preparations for my brother's wedding!!
For those who don't know, my older brother Dave is marrying the beautiful Susie and I get to be bridesmaid! Get in! This means finding bridesmaids dresses (we're on third time lucky), deciding on shoes, hair and make up etc...and finding what I'm going to sing as Susie walks down the aisle- the pressure to get this right is intense.
As part of my bridesmaid preparations I decided that I should probably do a dummy run of my tan! This is very important if I don't want to look orange and patchy. So, I found a good fake tan product that I had seen recommended by various bloggers and youtubers (I've been allergic to gradual tanning creams that I've tried in the past so had to be really careful), exfoliated, moisturised and finally lost my fake tan virginity.
Yes, I hear you say that gradual tan is technically fake tanning, but it's no where near as risky as using a proper instant tan product.
I'm glad to say that it didn't go too badly, yes I seemed to have missed a bit on my arm, and only seemed to have done one leg but I was very happy with the colour and the finish of it overall! I felt very lucky to not have finished with orange tan stained hands (I used a fake tan applicator mitt that I bought on the high street), however my hands went the other way. Instead of getting tan stuck between each of my fingers, I missed them altogether. You might be able to see in the picture that I've put up that my fingers are tanned but I am still milky white in between. Oopsie. Well I guess it's only a dummy run and not terrible for a total novice?
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It's really not a great photo of my chubby little hand, but you see where I'm coming from! |
How have your fake tan attempts been? What's the worst that you've ever managed?
Lots of love x